Manitoba government wants to change taxes on harmful emissions into the atmosphere

On Monday, the Manitoba government discussed the issue of the carbon price for large emitters. The Progressive Conservative government issued a document where there is the price of $ 25 per ton for industrial facilities with the release of 50 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

The Manitoba government is going to set certain targets for each large emitter in September and make them pay taxes only for emissions that exceed the specified rate.

Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires told that the government's goal is to establish the necessary indicators and thus to reduce carbon emissions to the atmosphere every next year.

This system will only be applied to large companies, such as Koch Fertilizers and Trans-Canada Pipelines. State institutions, such as hospitals, schools or municipalities will not be included in the program. The government created a form for feedback on the Internet and is asking for opinions on the program.

The government also plans to approve a tax of $ 25 per ton for gasoline, diesel, propane and natural gas at the consumer level. This tax will have its exceptions for certain industries. So, agricultural, forestry and mining are on this list because the work of these industries is impossible without the use of fuel in large quantities.

The money that the government will receive from taxes will be spent on adopting energy-efficient technologies.