After 17 years in a cage, two bears played in nature for the first time

Two bears came to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park after being 17 years in a cage.

Animal welfare groups paid close attention to the bears that were in a Japanese museum. They lived in really bad conditions. Two brother bears spent about 17 years in neighboring cells.

The representative of the park gave an interview and said that the cells were so small that the bears could only do a couple of steps forward and to the sides. These two bears lived in neighboring cells but never had an opportunity to play with each other.

The park spent about a year trying to pick up the bears. At first, they were kept separately because they needed time to get used to a new place of living.

On Wednesday morning brothers Kai and Riku had first close communication with each other. The bears were so happy that they could play together in nature. Also, along with them, two more bears arrived at the park. All 4 bears belong to the species that are threatened with extinction.

The representatives of the Yorkshire Wildlife Park are really glad that the bears will spend the second half of their lives in good conditions and will be able to enjoy life.

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