A teenager from Winnipeg finished his solo kayak trip around Lake Winnipeg

Alex Martin kayaked 1,700 km along the coastlines of Lake Winnipeg.

The 18-year-old Winnipeg resident just finished his journey and called it the adventure of his life. Lake Winnipeg is the largest lake in the province, its circumference exceeds1,700 km. Alex Martin informed that his main goal was to get more information about the lake, its environmental problems and to show his discoveries to all people who are interested in this topic.

He is really fond of kayaking, so Alex did not even think about choosing some other type of water vehicle. Alex also said that his journey attracted a lot of attention to social networks. Many unfamiliar people began to write to him with words of support and watched all the details of his journey.

Different parts of the lake have different features and some days were really difficult for the boy. Some parts of the lake have a sandy bottom, and sometimes he saw limestone cliffs and big mudslide erosion that complicated his movement along the water.

Martin talked about his upcoming adventure with the children at the school before the trip. In autumn, Martin will hold several presentations and talk about all his observations.

Everyone who wants to learn more about the incredible adventure of Martin on Lake Winnipeg can visit his site.

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