Why Winnipeg 911 is not fully staffed?

An election campaign is getting more intense when the Winnipeg Police Association gets involved in the process. City`s Mayor Brian Bowman speaks about the WPA`s ads as a “fear-mongering” and just political stunt to bring the public’s attention to their own needs.

The Association released two video ads to run online and on local television airing on September 10th. Here is a link to the first ad: https://vimeo.com/288283603 . In this video a young girl is running for safety and hides in the closet as she hears a glass breaking noise in the house, she dials 911, but immediately gets put on hold as camera shows an empty work desk of a 911 operator, so there is nobody there to answer her call and send help. “Why is Winnipeg 911 not fully staffed? Ask Mayor Bowman,” said a woman’s voice in the ad.

Here is a link to a second ad: https://vimeo.com/288283859. This video features a few Police officers representing different races and focuses on public safety and providing a service to the local community.

Mayor Bowman points out that Winnipeg Police funding is at a historically high level now and such ads are just a stunt and an attempt of special groups and union leaders trying to get power to call shots in City Hall, as it used to be years ago.

In any case, these advertisement videos will have a big effect on the public and people will be discussing it along with the situation videos showing, also public opinion will be affected during the election campaign. In a few days, these ads will air on local television, so many more potential voters will see them.