Luck never strikes twice? It does. A man won the lottery for the second time this year

Five months ago Melhig Melhig, — the double winner with the double name — bought a scratch ticket in one of Winnipeg shops.

This purchase turned into $1.5 billion. The first thing the man did, was moving his wife and daughter from a small flat to the new house.

In August, Melhig decided to try his luck in the lottery again. And he hit the jackpot too! This time, the lucky ticket from Giant Tiger store brought him $2 billion.

The man says that he is still astonished by his luck. Now the happy winner is planning to become an entrepreneur — maybe the owner of a car wash or filling station, and return to school. Melhig, who came to Canada from Africa, says that he would like to improve his English and learn some useful skills, like timbering.