Halloween is just around the corner

Winnipeg is ready for Halloween, people are sweeping decorations off the store shelves, buying or making costumes, offices planning parties and of course, kids are as always excited!

As shown in the photo, people are decorating their houses with some creative decorations, slowly but surely the whole neighborhoods are turning into a big Halloween scene, the whole Winnipeg is getting ready.

Parents are planning their kid’s looks and costumes and of course trick-or-treating.  Trick-or-treating is a Halloween tradition for children and adults in many countries. Children in costumes go from house-to-house, asking for treats with the phrase "Trick or treat". Children are having fun and getting some treats mostly candies, chocolates, and cookies, parents are there to support and take part in this festive tradition. Not everyone chose to participate, but, trust me, those who do, have a lot of fun! 

Fellow Winnipeggers, let’s all be prepared, so get your or your kid's costumes ready, plan to attend as many parties as you possibly can and get ready to have fun. The Halloween spirit is here, get ready to get spooky!