Canadians continue to suffer from psoriasis

People suffering from psoriasis continue to face problems in getting treatment and communicating with other people.

Rosamond Turner, a girl living in Toronto, has psoriasis for almost all her adult life.

This disease has brought her a lot of trouble, including the fact that the girl could not even finish her application to a master’s degree program in social work. It happened that she had been at home for months in order not to run into people who could not help but look at her.

From time to time Rosamond Turner could control her skin condition with the help of phototherapy. However, patients who suffer from this terrible disease face many barriers in getting treatment, as it became known from the Canadian Association of Psoriasis Patients.

People face not only the moral but also physical barriers. For example, about 80% of doctors work in large cities or suburbs. Thus, people who live in more distant places do not have the opportunity to receive high-quality treatment on time.

At the moment, phototherapy is the most effective and inexpensive treatment of psoriasis, so the association is trying to increase the number of doctors and clinics in more isolated places so that every Canadian can get help if necessary.

This disease affects the quality of a person’s life. Recent studies have shown that more than 30% of people with psoriasis said that they feel very lonely, and women feel especially miserable and experience lack of happiness. It becomes very difficult for them to have a normal life, to create a family and to feel good. 

It happens very often when people think that they can become infected with this disease and avoid any contact with a sick person. However, if the patient has a chronic form, then it is not transmitted to another person.

In addition to the negative attitudes of people, people with psoriasis often experience a holistic attitude on the part of health workers. From time to time, doctors do not take them seriously, considering that their illness is just another skin problem.

Turner said that now she is very happy that she can receive treatment and can live a full life and not close at her home.

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