Amateur painter Kat Granda paints poppies on rocks to make people remember

Kat Granda is an amateur painter. She decorated rocks with painted poppies to make people remember.

Kat told that she paints rocks, then she hides them and after a while people can find the rocks. Then people decide whether to save them or to hide again for somebody else.

Winnipeg Rocks Facebook group coordinates the whole process. Members of the group post photos with rocks of all types and with different paintings on them.  Paintings can be very diverse: from fruit and vegetables to flowers or landscapes. As Remembrance Day is very near, many people decided to draw poppies. Some even write the names of Canadian soldiers on them.

First of all, this is a way to show that no one has forgotten anything, explains the artist.  People should remember the feats of soldiers because this is a big part of the history and thanks to them Canadians live in freedom now.

This year Julie Mungall has created about 50 rocks with poppies. She also supported such an interesting way to show her respect and memory to veterans and Canadian soldiers. She hopes that some of the veterans will get such a rock this year and they will see that people are very grateful to them for everything.

The founder of the Winnipeg Rocks group noted that creating of painted rocks is really a great way to show joy, sorrow, gratitude and memory.  

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