Project Safe Audience wants to reduce drug intake in Winnipeg

Project Safe Audience makes drug tests to help city inhabitants save their health and to combat meth crisis.

The organization made a lot of tests at Winnipeg parties and they came to the conclusion that meth is sold under the guise of cocaine. Thus, people who produce drugs and sell them become many times richer, and people who use them become incredibly quickly addicted to this terrible drug.

Medical staff from Project Safe Audience attended parties once a month for the past two years and conducted various tests on the drugs that people take there. The problem is very serious, because using meth instead of cocaine people get more terrible consequences for their health, and every day the city sees more and more addicted people.

The worst thing is that this drug is especially popular among young people. They really do not understand what substances they use and what the consequences they may have.

Project Safe Audience aims to improve the safety of local residents and reduce drug use. If two years ago there were only two people in the organization, now it is expanding and more and more medical workers want to contribute to the health of city inhabitants.

MORE NEWS: Meth crisis: new ideas were offered at the summit