Go204 team legal cannabis shopping

Starting October 17th marijuana is legal to grow, sell and to buy throughout Canada. It doesn’t matter if you are using it or not, cannabis is coming, it is already here and as of today, it is sold in your local stores and online.

So our Go204 team decided to visit one of the legal stores and see for ourselves the new kind of stores in Canada. Delta 9 Cannabis is still seeing lines of customers outside the doors one month after legalization.

According to the recent polls, 38 percent of Canadians use pot solely for recreation, while 12 percent say their pot consumption is only for medical reasons.

The number of Canadians who use pot has not increased since legalization, with 22 percent before and 21 percent after.

A majority of Canadians — 54 percent — say the price of legal pot is too high. While 58 percent of buyers say it’s been easy to purchase pot since legalization. Overall, a positive experience, with 85 percent satisfied with the quality of legal pot. Among those who were not able to purchase legally, 88 percent said if there’s a pot shortage among legal suppliers, they’ll find another source.

The Go204 team visited a cannabis store mostly with the educational purpose and we didn’t forget our camera, as you can see in the photos the cannabis store is not just a pot place, but much more, here employees are ready to help, educate, and consult anyone and everyone. They will help you with any questions, especially the first time visitors, in short, there are 5 types of weed. From the one that energizes you and activates the brain and physical activity, to the one that relaxes you, makes you comfortable and so on.

There are different smoking options and all the equipment for this, plus they will explain how to properly smoke and all the rules and safety measures. The limit is 30 grams per person and you can also share legal cannabis with other adults.

It is completely up to every adult now to decide if they would like to legally buy and use marijuana, even share with adult friends. Fellow Winnipeggers let’s all be smart and responsible and make the best out of the cannabis legalization.