Winnipeg man missing for 6 months

Police officers are asking hunters and tourists near Arborg, Manitoba to watch for signs of Eduardo Balaquit. Balaquit, 59, hasn’t been seen since he left his home in the Amber Trails area the night of June 4. Police later said they believed he was the victim of a crime. Balaquit is believed to have been working at 380 Keewatin St. between the hours of 6 and 9 p.m. on June 4th.

It is been almost six months since Eduardo is missing, but officers still believe more details and evidence can be found and hopefully will help find him still alive and well. Edward said police are giving his family updates on a weekly basis but hasn’t been informed of any major leads.

The day he was gone, his van was found behind a building on Keewatin Street but Balaquit’s son, Edward, said the vehicle was not parked in its usual spot and its window was smashed. Police, family, and friends started searching streets around the area but about 10 days later, the search expanded to Arborg, Manitoba.

With time more and more police officers are involved in the investigation and search for a missing man, but unfortunately, months later still there is no information about his whereabouts and his condition.

“That’s a critical part of the investigation that we wouldn’t be getting into,” Carver said, adding police suspect Balaquit was the victim of a homicide. “Investigators feel that the case is moving forward.” At the same time, some of the investigating officers still believe they are able to find the missing man safe and sound.

Six months after a Winnipeg man’s disappearance, his family is still hoping to find alive and well, they are still searching for him every day, family members can’t sleep and have no rest, trying to find Balaquit and bring him back home to his loved ones.

If you or anyone you know have any useful information about Eduardo Balaquit`s whereabouts, where he was last seen or other details about him since June 4th, 2018, please contact your local police department or leave a tip online at Crime Stoppers absolutely anonymously.

Fellow Winnipeggers let us all come together and help to find the missing man, if everyone will participate this will be a great help to police officers, who are still searching for Balaquit every day for six months now.