Winnipeg City Hall gives grants to improve lighting in downtown

We all love our city and it doesn’t matter if you live in downtown or just come during a day to work, it is important to have lighting in downtown to make it more lighted and for safety reasons. Winnipeg City Hall announced a new grant program on Friday, December 21st to encourage building owners to invest in lighting that will increase safety in the city downtown area.

An outdoor building lighting grant program will include $300,000 over a two-year period. This is part of a multi-year security strategy in the city of Winnipeg.

“Improving coverage was a key recommendation of a downtown security strategy approved by the Council earlier this year,” said Mayor Brian Bowman.

"This program will help building owners to improve the exterior lighting of their facilities and not only make their buildings more hospitable but also will help to increase safety in public places around these buildings."

Approved candidates will receive up to $5,000 to cover the costs of professional design consultants, and up to $10,000 will be considered eligible costs.

Fellow Winnipeggers, building and business owners of our city, let’s all come together and help our city to become a safer and brighter place to work and live in!