$639 speeding ticket for Manitoba driver

A lot of accidents on the road happened because drivers are in a hurry and some are excessively speeding, distracted or simply intentionally do not follow the rules and regulations. Every year, about 421,000 people are injured in crashes that have involved a driver who was distracted in some way. Over 78% of all distracted drivers are distracted because they have been texting while driving.

In 2018 that number is already much higher throughout Canada. Manitoba alone seeing a 25% increase in road fatalities. Most of those accidents happening due to drivers being distracted and over 78% of them were texting, just imagine that number.

Monday morning, January 7th RCMP pulled the Manitoba driver over after he was clocked doing 145 km/hr in a 100 zone. As per police, the driver blamed the song on the radio for his excessive speed. It resulted in a $639 fine. 

RCMP Manitoba tweeted that day:

“ This driver’s excuse for going 145kmh? Kickstart my Heart by Mötley Crüe was on the radio. Funny enough, our officer knew he was telling the truth since he was also listening to it - just at a slower & safer speed. Fined $639. #noexcuses #rcmpmb #AlwaysGotTheCopsComingAfterMe”

To remind you, starting November 1st, 2018 Manitoba’s new distracted driving laws came into effect.

According to Manitoba Public Insurance, a total of 237 drivers province-wide have had their licenses suspended for the minimum three-day period since the new penalties came into place.

“Distracted driving remains a very serious road safety issue for Manitobans,” said MPI’s Satvir Jatana Wednesday.

Unfortunately, a lot of those drivers are teenagers, who are not just irresponsible to their own vehicles and lives, but to other people’s health and lives as well. Some drivers just really don’t care about the rules and driving regulations, they do not care for their own safety and their passengers, friends and family members.

So fellow Winnipeggers please don’t text and drive, follow the speed limits, the limits there for a good reason, keep our roads safe and easy to drive. Let’s all be responsible drivers and care for each other, so at the end of the day, we can all come back home to our loved ones.