New food guide is available to Manitoba residents

Now, Manitoba residents can get acquainted with a new food guide that dietitians released several days ago.

This time, dietitians pay attention not only to healthy eating but also to products that grow in the region. According to the new food guide, people should pay more attention to food, rather than to the size of their portions.

"Before, they were still very much focused on portion sizes. Now they're focusing more on culture, and coming back to more traditional foods, and really allowing people to embrace the foods that are important to them," said Lauren Paquette who is a registered dietitian at the Women's Health Clinic in Winnipeg.

"It allows people to take pride in their own food and their own culture," the woman added.

Special attention in the guide is paid to the Indigenous population of the province. They are encouraged to eat more fish, moose and seals because this is what their ancestors ate.

"To have pride actually promotes a lot of health and wellness," said Paquette. "And to be able to embrace your own traditional foods is a great sense of joy and respect, and it's empowering."

The new food guide also gives detailed advice to all residents of the province on growing crops and buying traditional foods.

The teacher of a cooking class at the Immigrant Centre in Winnipeg, Briana Henry, explains that immigrants often have problems with cooking and now she can use the new food guide even in her classes.

"Some newcomers do find it hard to eat nutritionally, based on Canada's [old] Food Guide, because of what they're used to back home," she said. "I think it's validating, where newcomers are coming from, that it's OK to eat the foods that they're used to back home."

The new guide has also much information about beans and lentils because vegetable protein is extremely useful for humans.

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