'Walker of Garden Hill' returns to exercising

Clara Monias got the nickname 'Walker of Garden Hill' many years ago, and now the woman is returning to her workout.

Monias has a terrible disease – diabetes. She explained that exercising was almost the only thing thanks to which she felt much better. However, she took a break in exercising. Now, Clara Monias is ready to start over!

"I wanted to be healthy for my grandchildren so I can take care of them. I've got 14," said Monias. The woman also said that she began to control her illness and to enjoy life.

Last week one of the doctors that deal with diabetes shared his thoughts:

"These benefits of exercise and activity don't require you to lose your weight or lower your [Body Mass Index]," Bhardwaj said. "It's all about increasing your fitness, improving how your heart and lungs and fat and muscles function, and weight really has very little to do with it, if anything."

The doctor also added that exercise reduces cholesterol and blood sugar and increases the life expectancy of people with diabetes. Over time, people can even reduce the number of drugs.

Monias decided to abandon drugs in 2011 and began to take long walks every day throughout the year.

"It was tiring and seemed so long," she said. "It was hard."

However, when the woman stopped her exercising, her condition immediately worsened. The blood tests worsened and even arthritis pain returned. Now, she again received a huge motivation because her brother died of diabetes.

"Me and my brother were very close, and he died of diabetes," she said. "He told me to start walking again, to take care of myself again. He always urged me to do it."

The woman believes in herself and again wants to change her health condition for the better.

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