Winnipegger stabbed a bus driver to death

Winnipeg`s authorities recognize the growth of our city`s needs, the population grows every year and the workforce visiting Winnipeg constantly increases as well. Public transportation is a very important part of city infrastructure modernization and development. The local transit union and other organizations have been pushing for since the February 2017 murder of a driver.

A deadly accident happened on the city transit bus. As per defense lawyer Evan Roitenberg, a bus driver, Irvine Jubal Fraser, instigated a fight with his client, Bryan Kyle Thomas. The incident led to a deadly stabbing, Thomas believed to be acting in self-defense.

Due to a lack of evidence linking Thomas to a murder weapon, Roitenberg argued Fraser was the one to produce some sort of blade. Thomas was arrested and charged with second-degree murder after Fraser was stabbed and killed in the early hours of February 14th, 2017.

The jury is expected to begin deliberations as early as Thursday.

Winnipeg bus drivers safety means a lot for city`s transportation inspectors. This is a huge plan, with a pretty high bill that the city of Winnipeg will have to pay to protect the drivers and make transit transportation safer for everyone else too. The public transportation system is a very important part of Winnipeg`s daily life, because of thousands people use it every day to commute to work and back home, they rely on the system and people need to be able to catch that bus on time and make to work or home to their families.

Bowman said that the city council should be prepared to take political risks to shake things up for the better, and that, although he calls 2019 the “year of transit,” the council will have to go beyond the current authority.

Matt Allard, a member of the Transit Advisory Committee, said the city will buy new buses, many of which are articulated, so they will carry more passengers, at about the same overall operating costs. It is great information for all citizens of Winnipeg and people, who come here for work.

In addition to putting surveillance cameras inside buses, the city is also working on installing cameras on the side of all buses so drivers can see who is getting on and off the vehicles.

The city’s Executive Policy Committee has voted to install bus driver safety shields in Winnipeg Transit buses in the next year. The cost to purchase shields for all Winnipeg buses is estimated at $3.15 million.