Indian and Metis Friendship Centre will be located in a new place

Indian and Metis Friendship Centre is going to reopen. However, as it became known, the centre can be located in a new place.

Recently, Indian and Metis Friendship Centre was ruined by vandals. Due to the great destruction, most likely the centre will have to move to a new place. The Bear Clan will assist in reopening.

Members of the Bear Clan Patrol informed that they found the consequences of vandalism on Friday evening. The damage was so great that it was impossible to remain in the building.

"It's really hard to fathom how so few people could do so much damage to something that benefited so many people, you know, that just unthinking, uncaring, callous behaviour," said Favel, the co-founder of the Bear Clan Patrol. "We're trying to rebuild our community here and get things going in a more positive way, and we've making headway here, we're making ground, and this is a tremendous setback."

David Gray, Manitoba Association of Friendship Centres president, hopes that the province will provide the necessary funding for the reopening of the centre in the nearest future. Favel is waiting for the opportunity to personally discuss the changes that can be done to improve the work of Indian and Metis Friendship Centre with David Gray.  

"I'm desperately looking forward to speaking directly with David Gray so we can try to strategize how we get things back on track."

At the moment, the police are investigating the vandalism.