Traffic on Kenaston Street

Who likes to be stuck in traffic? I guess, no none, but that is what you have to deal with in a big city. There are certain streets and neighborhoods you know you always will be stuck in traffic, so, naturally, people try to plan their routes avoiding such roads. Despite the usual traffic movement, sometimes accidents or other things happen, which can block your usual “traffic-free” way to work.

The usual commute though Kenaston Street takes minutes, literally. One of our coworkers travels this rout almost every day, and it takes 4-5 minutes to get to his destination. That wasn’t a case on March 1st, the same trip took almost 1.5 hours.

Three cars blocked the way of the usual commuters, involving one local police cruiser, another car that looked like an “undercover” vehicle and one more, possibly a secret service vehicle.

What appeared to be a search of the pulled over vehicle, for some reason involved so many officers and had the street clogged with traffic.

As of now, there is no information or an official statement from the Winnipeg Police department about what happened on Kenaston Street.