A woman who was sexually exploited in the youth do not agree with the report after Tina Fontaine's death

A woman who was sexually exploited in the youth said the report into Tina Fontaine's death misses the mark.

Isabel Daniels says that closing children is not the solution. This can lead to much worse consequences. Daniels is strongly against a recommendation to extend involuntary confinement for youth in imminent danger of harm.

The woman is the head of 24/7. This is a subcommittee of people who have experienced sexual exploitation and fight to have a normal life.

Daniels said that she was on the street at 14 and when the state closed her in prison she met various not very good people, so after going out she again appeared on the street. It lasted until Isabel was 28. Now Daniels is 40 and she is shocked by the fact that the government still continues to use such methods to combat sexual exploitation.

Rose O'Connor, who is a retired social worker with Child and Family Services, also does not agree with the measures taken by the state. She says that being locked up is the last thing that can help such girls and women.

She added that the state feels calmer, knowing that children are locked up. It thinks it helps them. However, children feel only worse from this. When such grief as Tina Fontaine's death occurs, the state immediately decides that all children should be locked up. It does not see how many girls die in youth centres and how many children are ready to commit suicide.

Isabel Daniels believes that a place where children could get advice and support could play a decisive role, and this is not the prison of a youth centre. She added that the people who prepared the report on Tina Fontaine's death spoke to the wrong people.

24/7 asks the government to allocate more money to hire more employees who can help girls and women in difficult times.

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