Made in Winnipeg electric bus delivered to Toronto

Winnipeg`s authorities recognize the growth of our city`s needs, the population grows every year and the workforce visiting Winnipeg constantly increases as well. Public transportation is a very important part of city infrastructure modernization and development.

But at the same time, made in Winnipeg zero emission public busses get delivered and start working in different cities, like Toronto.

On Monday, April 15th the first of the zero-emission electric buses was delivered to Toronto. This is a part of the city`s ongoing green initiatives. The bus will undergo testing for the next few weeks before entering regular service later this spring.

Toronto city authorities take a “clean environment” direction seriously and really take the necessary step towards it and order new electric buses from Winnipeg.

But Winnipeg Transit for some reason continues to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on constantly growing in price fuel for old buses.

The city’s Executive Policy Committee has voted to install bus driver safety shields in Winnipeg Transit buses in the next year. The cost to purchase shields for all Winnipeg buses is estimated at $3.15 million. Which is great news for the bus drivers and overall public transportation safety, but what about lowering the emissions in our city?

In September of 2018 candidates for the position of mayor of Winnipeg met to discuss various important issues, including the environmental problems of the city. The candidates discussed the reduction of emissions, as well as told about their programs and thoughts about the future in the city. They were discussing their vision for upgrading and investing funds in the city's transportation system.

But, for some reason, it is still only in the plans, but no real steps taken to implement it for Winnipeg Transit.

So, as of now, Winnipeg produces clean electric buses for other Canadian cities, but not for its own public transit needs. The question remains to Winnipeg city authorities: Why not start implementing zero-emission transport in our city and give Winnipeggers a chance to breathe cleaner air!?