University of Winnipeg tuition rising during 2019-20 year

A university or a college degree will help you land a job you desire. But what if you do not have a degree and still considering your options whether to go for higher education or save the time and money, a lot of money on education and start working and actually making money right now.

If anything seems certain for high school graduates these days, it’s that the cost of the university will keep going up. The average annual undergraduate tuition fee climbed again last year — to $6,838 — as it has done for 29 years in a row now.

University of Winnipeg students will be paying more for tuition next school year. Most undergraduate programs will see a 3.7 percent rise in tuition from the previous year. Tuition for graduate studies will also increase by 2.5 percent for most programs.

This means an average student will pay an extra $120, with a student taking a full five courses paying $168. The school approved a balanced budget of $144 million for the 2019-20 school year.

Most people still think that you have to have a degree to even be considered for a good position. Overall, university graduates remain the top earners. The mid-range annual salary for degree holders working full time was around $68,600 in 2015, compared with $52,300 for those with a college diploma and $42,700 for those with a trades certificate or apprenticeship training, data from the 2016 census shows.

Young men with a trades certificate now earn more than those with a college diploma, while young women with a trades education are now earning almost as much as those who went to college. No student debt, no lost earnings

So there are a lot of things to be considered, many options to choose from and every person needs to think for themselves. Are you ready and willing to pay thousands of dollars to get the higher education and spend 3-4 years in university to get a diploma, possibly get into a hefty debt while doing that and then look for a job, hoping to get a good position with a good paycheck or instead consider working and getting paid right away, but most likely starting pay will be under the average pay for university and college graduates in the first one-two years of your new career.