This is your invitation to change the Foundation of your life! This class is about establishing how you begin the foundation of creating a different reality for you, where you begin to undo the limitations you've been functioning from.
For anything to be limiting you, you must be functioning from some form of anti-consciousness or unconsciousness. Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing; it goes beyond the polarity of this reality where we are always looking to what is right or wrong, and into the allowance, gratitude, choice, possibility, contribution and question that is truly possible.
In Foundation you will begin to see the points of view that limit you and what you can change that would allow you to function from a more conscious space, where you are no longer at the effect of this reality.
If you could choose anything, what would it be?
This class provides hundreds of tools, including some hands-on body processes, that allow you to change anything that isn't working for you in your life.
The greatest potency is the ability to change and transform anything and everything.
What else is is possible for your life?
These courses truly opens you up to the essence of YOU!
***Pre-Requisite Access Consciousness The Bars***
**This course is required once per year if you teach the BARS.**
Contact Robin Chant at [email protected] for more information on this class.
Access Consciousness Foundation-BRANDON
