Hit the four month sleep regression and never got back on track?
Want to avoid the 4 month sleep regression?
Have no idea what a sleep regression is?
This class is for anyone with a baby from 4-11 months of age that is either needing help with sleep issues, or wants to avoid any possible upcoming bumps in the road.
Topics to include;
* How to lay the foundations of healthy sleep habits that don't involve sleep training
* Ideal wake times and routine suggestions
* The most common reasons for night wakings that are not food related
* Causes and solutions of short naps
* Night feeds; what to expect
* Early morning wake ups; because nobody wants to start their day at 4:00am.
Handouts will be given and time will be left to answer some audience questions.
*This class tends to fill up quickly; book early to avoid disappointment.
Please contact Nest Family Centre to register.
[email protected]
4-11 Month Sleep Workshop
