Hwy. 59 and the north Perimeter construction will open soon

Hwy. 59 and the north Perimeter construction is continued for three years, but the province promises to finish it in the nearest time.

On Thursday, the provincial authorities reported that the opening of these sites will occur in several stages.

We want to remind that the construction was started in 2015 and more than $250 million was spent on this project. the project manager said that this site is of great importance for travel across Manitoba and daily more than 70,000 vehicles will use it. at the moment this project is the largest in the history of Infrastructure Manitoba company.

On Saturday, the first part of the project will be opened. 8 of the 11 bridges should be open on this day. The remaining bridges will be open by early November.

It also became known that Lagimodiere Boulevard will have six lanes.

More than 600 people participated in this important project and a really huge work has been done.

MORE NEWS: Restoration of the broken railway continues