Almost a half of Manitobans support PC party

A recent survey showed that almost half of the people in the province support PC party.

Within 10 days, more than a thousand residents of the province were interviewed. They were asked who they would support if the elections were today or tomorrow. 44% of people said they would support the current government. 25% would support NDP, and 20% would support Liberals. However, only 8% said they would support Green Party. About 15% said they are not ready to give their answer right now.

So, if elections were held now, their outcome would be known. According to the interviewed people, the party that rules now works very well and improves the lives of people and provinces for the better.

As for Winnipeg residents, 34% said they would vote for PC party, 32% for NDP, 25% for Liberals and 7% for Green Party. If we divide by areas of the city, then we can say that the southeast and northeast most of all support the current government, and the northwest supports NDP.

48% of those who earn more than $100,000 are going to support PC. 28% of graduates from universities and colleges and 28% of people between 35 to 55 would give their voices for NDP. If to divide by gender, women are more inclined to support the New Democrats, in their opinion, they are a more prosperous government.

However, you should not forget that these data may change many times and the results are not an official indicator of what will happen in 2020. In the matter of politics and elections, even a week can play a big role, and two years are much more.

This survey has an error of approximately 3%, especially in demographic subgroups.

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