It is unclear whether the province will have time to prepare for the legalization of cannabis

Just a week left, is the province ready?

The province reports that the government is not conducting all the necessary preparations quickly enough, and many aspects may not be ready in a week.

For example, the police may not be provided with the necessary screening tests before the start of the legalization. This became known yesterday.

The Minister of Health of Manitoba, Cameron Friesen, suggested that the decision on legalization was hasty and the province did not have enough time to prepare fully. According to the minister, issues related to excise, packaging, and selling on the Internet are still not completely resolved.

In August, special equipment for testing people’s saliva for marijuana was approved. This equipment must be in sufficient quantity in all police stations, and each officer needs to have an opportunity to use it while working.

The manufacturer of this device made 500 copies, however, it became known that the province could acquire no more than 20, due to financial problems. About 100 more devices are going to be purchased within the next 5 years.

In this connection, the police will rely on the experience of officers in identifying traces of cannabis in people without special equipment. Also, the question whether the equipment will work properly at cold temperatures, which are characteristic of the autumn-winter period remains open.

The Minister of Justice announced that the police services are fully prepared, even without the appropriate new equipment. He also informed that the officers had received the necessary training and would be able to determine the presence of alcohol or cannabis in the human body.

12 retail stores have already received all the necessary licenses and permits, and are ready to open their doors in a week. The Minister of Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and Trade did not indicate what number of stores will work since October 17, perhaps some of them will open a little later.

The minister said that according to the plan, such a number of stores should be open within two years so that the residents of Manitoba could reach the necessary store in no more than 30 minutes.

On Wednesday, a new campaign was opened, which should raise awareness among the residents of the province regarding cannabis use, in particular, about the harm from using, especially for young people.

Advertising campaigns, posters and other promoting products will inform residents where they can find a point of sale.

We want to remind you that fines for violating the law will reach $ 2,500. In addition to the ban on smoking in public places, people should not come to work with the smell of alcohol or cannabis. If this happens, they can be sent home, or even lose their jobs in several cases.

More detailed information on fines, bans and points of sale is going to appear in the near future.

MORE NEWS:Legalization of marijuana posed an acute issue of smoking in universities