Heavy snowfall bypassed Winnipeg

Winnipeg residents are very happy that the forecast did not come true and heavy snowfall bypassed the city.

As it was reported by the forecast, this week Winnipeggers could see the first big snow, and the amount of sediment could reach 15 cm. However, this did not happen.

Other cities were less fortunate:

14 cm of snow in Sprague;

14 cm of snow in Pinawa;

13 cm of snow in Rennie;

5-10 cm of snow in Steinbach area;

5-10 cm of snow in Emerson;

8 cm of snow in Kleefeld;

7 cm of snow in Niverville;

6 cm of snow in Pierre Jolys;

5 cm of snow in Gretna;

4 cm of snow in Great Falls;

3 cm of snow in Morris;

1 cm of snow in Morden;

<1 cm of snow in Winnipeg.

The largest snow mark was registered - up to 30 cm in the south of the province.

In addition to snow, the inhabitants of the province also experienced a strong cooling. The lowest temperature was recorded in Thompson 15.2 degrees below zero.

The lowest temperature in Winnipeg became 8 degrees below zero. We want to remind that the last time such a low temperature was noticed in the city in 1874 and 1919.

After the snow, the south is expecting a large amount of rain, which again will be replaced by snow afterwards.

MORE NEWS: Heavy snowfall can come to Manitoba