A woman in a wheelchair is very upset after drivers told her not to go on the road

A woman in a wheelchair received a few negative comments from drivers after she decided to go on the road together with them.

Due to the fact that not all sidewalks are designed for using by people in a wheelchair, the woman had to go on the road. That decision led to negative words addressed to her by the drivers.

This situation shows that people with disabilities face many problems that are not only related to physical barriers but also to the moral aspect every day in their life.

Jess Turner is a woman who has suffered in this situation. On Tuesday, she was forced to be on the road, and a driver from the car passing by her said that she had no place on the road, instead of stopping and asking why she was there.

She came to the radio to make the whole country understand her big disappointment. Jess explained that such situations happen daily with many people with disabilities. The woman also told about another case when a man came to her in the parking lot near the supermarket and made a negative comment to her for not using the pavement calling himself a former policeman.

Turner is always trying to explain the reasons for her behavior, but not everyone is willing to listen to her, they just go away being very angry. People are very aggressive and only few can understand another person’s problems.

As a result of such incidents, a woman constantly receives moral trauma and worries a lot. Every day she is waiting for the next negative behavior from other people to happen. She doesn't even want to tell about most bad stories from her life experience.

This problem concerns not only Turner, but it also concerns all people with disabilities, who daily see bad sidewalks that they cannot use, the evil faces of people and hear negative words. These people deserve support and improvement of their living conditions and not vice versa.

In her speech, Jess Turner touched upon all the problems that she and other people a wheelchair face. They are the same members of society as other people, so they deserve to have the same respect and living conditions. 

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