North End Family Centre will have Christmas despite ministry's closure

The founder of the ministry announced that North End community will have Christmas party despite ministry's closure.

North End Family Centre was working for 10 years, and a lot of people came there to find various help and services. In addition, every year the celebration of Christmas took place in this center. The purpose of the party was the desire of the center staff to ensure that there is enough food in the families of the community for the upcoming holidays. Also, parents could get toys for their children.

The founder of NEFC said that it was very sad for him to hear about the closure of the centre. However, he informed that Christmas party will take place this year for sure. Christmas celebration is very important for the community and it cannot be cancelled.

He added that people are looking forward to this event year after year, and many parents went there to get the opportunity to take a toy for their child.

New Christmas party will be held on December 11 with the support of St. John's Anglican Cathedral. Thanks to this cathedral, over $2,000 has already been raised for a party. The goal is to collect $5,000. GoFundMe should also help in raising money.

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