Christie Amoyo, a pastor at Today's Church, released a book The Promised Child

Christie Amoyo, a mother of many children and a pastor, decided to tell the readers her difficult story and released a book called The Promised Child.

In it, Christie talks about building a family and all the difficulties of this path. She also shares with readers how she and her husband came to faith, after unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, the loss of a child and the terrible verdict of doctors.

The first pregnancy of the woman ended in the loss of the child, and the couple was devastated but did not give up. They did not leave attempts to have children, and so their first son Daniel appeared.

It would seem that the worst is over but Christie’s 3rd and 4th pregnancies also ended in the loss of a child. It almost destroyed the relationship of the couple and they had to go through very difficult moments in life. Working together in church and serving God helped them to overcome difficulties, according to Christie.

And the couple was blessed for three more children in the following years. This book has become part of the woman’s healing process, as well as a means of expressing support for people experiencing the same difficulties as Christie and her husband.

A woman pastor claims that the difficulties that life presents to us can be overcome only with the help of faith and support. She sees her mission in supporting and encouraging other people. Christie believes that her book should help people build their faith, give them hope for the best and bring them to God.

Christie encourages all people who have read her book to contact her by e-mail. She wants to make sure that every person has someone to share difficulties and get support.

She is currently working on a new book that will receive the title Crayons, Crumbs and Christian Growth. This book will focus on parenting issues and will be published in the near future.

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