Winnipeg expert says how to prepare your home to winter

Rob Balcaen from Balcaen & Sons names five basic things every resident of the city should do before winter.

A sharp cooling caused not all the inhabitants of the city managed to prepare for the winter. Do not despair, thanks to the following 5 things, you can make your home ready for any cold.

1.     Exterior taps

Check out all taps that are outside the house. You need to drain the water from them and close them until spring. Despite the low temperature, there is still time to do it. However, if you see that the water inside has already managed to freeze, then leave it there.

2.     Disconnect your sump pump

Doing this will prevent the pump from attempting to push water through frozen pipes. In this way, you will save your basement from the flood.

3.     Check furnace filters

You need to check the furnace in advance. After all, if there is any problem, you will have time to fix it before very low temperatures come. If you do not have time to do it, you should at least check the filter. If the filter becomes dirty, the furnace may stop working or malfunction and the supply of warm air will be disrupted.  If you don’t remember when you changed the filter, then it is time to do it.

4.     Ensure furnace vents are not obstructed

Despite the fact that all the above actions should be performed before the arrival of winter, this point contains the thing that needs to be done regularly throughout the winter. Furnace vents should be clean throughout the winter, check this for proper work of the furnace.

5.     Close up the air conditioner

After you do four actions above, close up your air conditioner and cover it with something not to collect dust there. Open it when the time comes in spring or summer. 

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