Winnipeg's ice sculptor created police chopper

Ice sculptor from Winnipeg created the replica of the police chopper in the city's North End.

Now, all city residents have the opportunity to see a life-size ice police helicopter made by Leigh Keast. His ice masterpiece is about 300 kilograms and it stands on Aberdeen Avenue. Shortly before Christmas, the sculptor made Santa with a sleigh with reindeers, and now a helicopter appeared in their place.

"To me, it's just a glorified snowman, really," Leigh Keast said.

Many residents of Winnipeg are interested in what the secret of the sculptor is. However, he says that there are no tricks or secrets. He simply finds photos on the Internet and brings pictures to life.

"I just keep looking at a picture for three or four days ... and it just imprints in my mind."

It is hard to believe, but the helicopter has real glass windows and even seats. The sculptor also admitted that he spent about a week on the helicopter, which is almost 6 times less than the time spent on creating Santa with a sleigh and reindeers. Leigh Keast says that the whole thing is in favourable weather.

"When it's cold, it freezes instantly, so I don't have to wait. In this weather, you only have to give it a couple of hours and it freezes right away."

Moreover, Keast made very strong mounts so that the helicopter will not be destroyed either by the weather or by people in the near future.

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