Parts of Manitoba shut down due to heavy snow

Based on the North American Ensemble Forecast System's values (NAEFS) March models are pointing to below normal temperatures continuing at least in southern Manitoba

Warning Preparedness Meteorologist with Environment Canada, Natalie Hasell said after this week and the weekend of cold temperatures, we'll see a very slow, gradual increase in temperatures. March is going to remain in the below normal trend."

Due to the harsh weather conditions for the past 24 hours, some of the Manitoba highways are closed to prohibit individuals getting on the road and getting stuck, to ensure the safety and lives of the people.

This Manitoba Highways map shows red circles where the roadways were closed, while yellow lines indicate partially snow-covered routes. Some closures were due to driving conditions, while others were a result of vehicle collisions.

The westbound lanes of Highway 1 near Headingley were closed over the lunch hour after a collision. It reopened at about 2:30 p.m. Earlier in the day, a section of the Trans-Canada Highway near Falcon Lake was also closed due to a crash.

Several rural school divisions closed schools due to weather conditions including the Seine River, Hanover, Border Land, Sunrise and Red River Valley.

For Winnipeggers, the cold isn’t going away any time soon. Forecasts are calling for temperatures in the -20 to -30 C ranges for at least a week, and long-range models from Environment and Climate Change Canada indicates temperatures are likely to stay below normal little over the middle of March.

Fellow Winnipeggers let`s all be responsible and polite drivers, it is easy just to follow the rules and parking signs, city authorities are working to do everything to make Winnipeg great and safe place to work and to live in!