Platform Centre for Photographic & Digital Arts is excited to announce the 2019 PLATFORM Photography Award! This yearly award aims to assist the recipient in their creation of new lens-based work (photography and video). This event is designed to help the talents of Manitoba to unleash their potential.

The winner of 2018’s award was Mariana Muñoz Gomez, whose exhibition will open 1 March. The winner of 2017’s award was Hannah Doucet.

The winner of this award will receive:
- $2000
- A $500 gift card for Don's Photo/Labworks
- A solo exhibition in PLATFORM’s Gallery 2
- A one-year PLATFORM membership
- One-year access to PLATFORM’s black and white darkrooms
- Feature on PLATFORM’s website

To be eligible for this award you must be based in Manitoba. Current students are not eligible. Applications must be sent to this email address: [email protected] with the subject “2019 PLATFORM Photography Award Submission”. Сommunity members will gladly and proudly select the best and give practical advice to artists.

Everyone is welcome!