Why not throw a party? The goal is to cover some of the approximately $8000 required for Kiyoko’s hearing aids, and to donate a portion of the proceeds to the Society for Manitobans with Disabilities.

Stef Johnson of Mise En Scene fame will be blessing us with a solo opening set, Andy_2_k will be our magical DJ, & rock powerhouse group Silence Kit will be bringing it home for us! There will be a raffle, too, and prizes will be announced in the coming weeks leading up to the event. (Have something you’d like to donate to the raffle? Send Elsa or Hanna a message!)

Tickets are $10, and are available for purchase from the following folks:

  • Elsa 204-801-0921
  • Hanna 204-799-8103
  • Katherine 204-232-2263
  • Jennah 204-392-6215
  • Liam 204-995-7710
  • Matt 204-990-7258

We thank you in advance for your help with getting Kiyoko smiling from ~ear to ear~! Can't wait to see you all!