You're never too old to run away from home...

Albert, eighty-something and a teller of tall tales, loves to amuse and entertain with his stories. His daughter, though increasingly exasperated by her father’s story-telling prowess, wants only the best for him after the loss of her mother. When she suggests that he move to a retirement home for seniors, he sets off on an adventure instead – a pilgrimage with his beloved wife Simone’s ashes, to visit all the places they’d shared some of their happiest moments. Unfortunately, his brilliant plan sets off a bit of a panic when he seems to have disappeared. This gentle comedy explores love, loss, father-daughter relationships and how to stay true to yourself, no matter how old you get.

Photo: Jacqueline Hogarth-Glen, Alphonse Tétrault, photo by Leif Norman | Set Design: Brian Perchaluk | Costume Design: Liliane Lavack | Lighting Design: Larry Isacoff