‘Community over competition’ is not just another hashtag we use on Instagram; it’s one of the mottos we live by in Hustle + Charm. Women have been pitted against each other for years; pushed to see each other as competition and enemies. What we need to continue to realize is that we’re better together, stronger together, and can kick some serious ass together!
The Boss Babe Roundtable is our newest event series designed to bring women of similar industries together to:
Get to know others in the same field
Chat about industry trends
Share success stories
Talk about our struggles
Trade ideas and resources
Initiate referral systems
Discuss collaboration opportunities
Build new friendships
Winnipeg is a small city and it’s easy for us to fall prey to the idea there’s not enough business for everyone. Often the moment we hear someone new is starting up something similar to what we’re already doing, we quickly shift into panic mode and worry our business is going to suffer. But you know what? Each one of us in unique and although we may have similar skills and target audiences, it’s who we are as individuals that is going to help YOUR people find you. Put your personality behind your passion and you’re all set!
Our next roundtable is for business owners in the wedding industry!
If you’re a boss babe whose ideal client or customer is a bride/groom to be, this round table is for you! Whether you're a wedding planner, specialize in bridal makeup, provide custom tailoring for grooms, design wedding cakes or bouquets, or anything in between, come out and meet other wedding industry folk and let’s shoot the shit.
Your ticket includes appetizers and a swag bag. There are only 11 spots available so be sure to scoop yours up, quick!
“Every wedding is a unique package that fits as perfectly as your engagement ring.”
Boss Babe Roundtable: Wedding Industry Edition
