When Keycon was founded in 1984, Science Fiction and Fantasy were genres that were only just starting to gain real recognition. You had Dr. Who and Star Trek on PBS, The Hobbit was a mandatory read in school curriculum, and Star Wars was bridging both genres to take the fan base from cult status to mainstream.
Fast forward to today and we have multiple channels dedicated to the genres, HBO and other major networks putting out book adaptations as well as original programming, and Young Adult oriented authors getting an entire new generation hooked on reading. This is where we find Keycon in its 36th year and it’s a spectacular time to be a part of fandom.
Keycon is Manitoba’s premier Science Fiction & Fantasy Literary Convention. It focuses on science fiction, fantasy and related literary genres in any form. It includes, but is not limited to, writing, visual arts, television and film. It is traditionally held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada on the Victoria Day long weekend.
Keycon is an around 500-600 person convention. As a point of reference, we might compare it to a large comic convention like San Diego Comic-Con ®. Aside from the size, we share a lot of the same community, but the format is different. Keycon is far more personal of an experience.
Check out the website for programming and membership costs and follow the official Facebook page for announcements and other random musings.
Keycon 36
