Tipsy Trivia is proud to bring 90s Disney Trivia to Garbonzos! We're taking a look at just the movies released from 1990-1999.
How it works: After buying your tickets, we'll register your team of 1-6 people for the night. We'll ask 50 questions on 5 different topics, with questions ranging from 'What is the name of Belle's horse?' to 'Who says the following quote: "No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it."?' We're passing out hundreds of dollars in Disney Prizes and Gift Cards to the top teams, and as door prizes throughout the afternoon.
Tickets: Tickets are $10.99/Person + Eventbrite fees and taxes in advance, or $15 at the door if they are available.
If you have any questions, please take a look at our FAQ on Eventbrite or feel free to shoot us a message.
90s Disney Trivia - May 21, 7:30pm - Garbonzo's Sports Pub
