Dear members and friends,
Temple Shalom would like to personally invite you to a unique and intriguing conversation with Rabbi Tepper and Steve Moscovitch, MSW, RSW, CFT. Steve Moscovitch is a Winnipeg based therapist and a grief councillor. Steve is an advocate of focusing, which is a particular way of listening to yourself. Together they will reflect on the subject of "Freeing Our Inner Pharaoh and Finding Our Inner Moses". We will talk about patterns of feeling, thought, behaviour that takes charge of our actions and keeps us from moving toward our best selves.
This personal invitation is for the evening of Thursday, May 23 at 7:30pm, Temple Shalom social hall. There will be time for a Q and A session after the discussion and refreshments will be served. We hope you will be able to attend this special evening.
Temple Shalom
