Speakers Neil and Sharol Josephson, directors from FamilyLife Canada, join us for the Together for Good marriage workshop, giving a chance to reconnect, re-­establish the foundation, and rekindle romance. Learn how to navigate the differences, prevent the drift, and work towards a relationship that will stay Together for Good.

Cost: $40/couple (lunch included)

Learn more & register at:

To help couples stay together for good, growing in love over a lifetime. It’s what we want when we choose to be married. A Vanier institute study found that 95% of Canadians say that marriage is supposed to be for a lifetime…together for good. This workshop outlines the great good that marriage is designed to be and then addresses honestly the two great challenges to staying together for good – differences and drift. The workshop provides insights and research to help couples understand more fully what is really going on in our marriage relationships, focusing on the areas of communication, conflict, sex and spirituality. Each session does more than inform, it provides helpful tools to move past the differences and drift to a place of greater closeness and trust. Each session also prioritizes times for couples to process the information together and consider how to apply it in their relationship.

There is no group sharing of personal marriage stories…this is just between the wife and husband.

Staying together is also good in other significant ways. Staying together for good doesn’t just make people happier…it makes them and their families healthier and our churches and communities stronger. Did you know that happily married people live longer, have less illness, make more money and have more and better sex? And did you know that married couples produce children who do better in school, get in less trouble with the law, display much less high-risk behavior and who themselves build lasting marriages? In spite of these proven benefits and blessings, research suggests that only 20% of couples ever do anything intentional to improve their marriage. Participants in this workshop are doing something that is all-too-rare yet profoundly good.