Who am I? What are my gifts? How do I heal?
It is in our human nature to be curious about ourselves and the process of our own evolution. I've found answers about my own nature, and a roadmap to spiritual growth within the Enneagram of Personality system, .
This workshop is for humans interesting in discovering more about this modality and taking it beyond "your type". Topics covered will include an overview of the nine personality types, common mis-typing, paths of integration and disintegration, and using this wisdom in your everyday life for improved interpersonal relationships and a path to personal growth.
Purchase your ticket before May 29 to save $5.
Participants will be asked to take the Enneagram test prior to the workshop and be expected to arrive knowing their personality type number.
Ticket includes coffee and snack. This is a zero waste event, please bring a mug for coffee.
Intro to the Enneagram
