The Munay-Ki comes from a Quechua word that means 'I love you.' The Munay-Ki are the nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power who has accepted the stewardship for all creation.

The prophecies of the ancient Americas speak about this time as a period of great transformation, a time to make an extraordinary difference in the world. They foretell of a new human appearing on the planet - a person of wisdom and power who lives free of fear and abides in their eternal nature, accepting stewardship for all creation.

As you receive the nine rites, your chakras will have the opportunity to become clear and you'll acquire what the Earthkeeper's know as the rainbow body, as your chakras glow with their original radiance.

Munay Ki Rites are once sometimes twice a month. You receive ONE rite at each event. If you miss the rite you will have to wait until the next new group starts and begin again. You MUST receive them in the order they are given.

If you are committed to ALL NINE Rites you must click "going" to this event AND send me an email to confirm your spot [email protected].
Once I receive your email you will sent - consent form, ceremony protocol AND location

You must RSVP to each email sent for each Rite/date. We DO NOT allow people to show up as it alters the group synergy and the energy during ceremony.

Foundation Rites:
1st Rite ~ The Healers Rite ~ June 1st
2nd Rite ~ The Bands of Power ~ June 15th
3rd Rite ~ The Harmony Rites ~ June 27th
Lineage Rites:
4th Rite ~ The Seers Rite ~ July 6th
5th Rite ~ The DayKeeper's Rite ~ July 27th
6th Rite ~ The Wisdom Keeper's Rite ~ August 17th
7th Rite ~ The EarthKeeper's Rite ~ August 31st
The Rites of Time To Come:
8th Rite ~ The Star Keeper's Rite ~ September 14th
9th Rite ~ The Creator's Rite ~ September 28th


Investment :
$25.00 per group or prepay for 3 ceremonies X 3. ($75.00 X 3)
Limit 8 seats

MUST ~ RSVP 48 hours prior for EACH Rite when email is sent out

Disclaimer: These Munay Ki Rites, Fire Ceremony & Anyi Despacho have been given permission to facilitate and offer to others by the Q'ero. The Elders felt that with the world in the way it is that Mesa Carriers, Munay Ki and Fire Ceremony is needed in the world right now. As long as we carry the integrity and teachings of these Rites and Ceremony anyone who has been trained and initiated can do them. Training is separate from receiving the Munay Ki Rites.