This is Green Action Centre's sixteenth year coordinating the Commuter Challenge event in Manitoba, a week-long challenge that encourages Canadians to choose sustainable modes of commuting. Participants are encouraged to walk, run, cycle, rollerskate, bus, carpool, and/or telecommute as an alternative to single-occupant driving.

The week of Commuter Challenge, June 2 - 8, 2019, takes place during Canada’s Environment Week. The challenge attracts over 20,000 Canadians each year, with over a third of those participants being from Manitoba. Thousands from across the province look forward to the friendly workplace competition, prizes, and the many benefits that come from choosing sustainable modes of commuting.

In 2018, Manitoba had over 400 organizations and over 6,000 individuals participate, which resulted in nearly 10,000 kg of C02 avoided. Manitoba has been named the top province based on participation percentages for the last 14 years, with goals of continuing that long-standing streak.

The challenge is free for all Manitobans to take part in the sustainable commuting fun. Sign up with your workplace or register as an individual for a chance to win amazing prizes!