Step into the world of Spirit with Psychic Medium Kristel Kernaghan in an intimate setting. This development group will help students consistently connect to spirits, guides and other spirit helpers, as well as build energy and power to stay connected.

Development circles/groups are a phenomenal way for students to practice and connect in a safe environment with an experienced Medium.

Please note: We require a minimum of 8 students per session. If student numbers do not meet the minimum 3 days prior, the event will be cancelled & students will be notified.

Dates: July 3, 10, 17 and August 14, 21, 28

Classes are scheduled for Wednesdays, 6:30 pm to approx. 8:30 pm.

Prerequisite: This group is only open to those who have taken Kristel's Basic Mediumship Workshop.

Investment: $36.75 (includes GST) full payment is required at time of registration.

Register online or at Reception 204-223-8778 ~ 2071 Portage Ave.