'A pain that lingers': a New antiracism project in Winnipeg's black community

'A pain that lingers': a New antiracism project in Winnipeg's black community

According to Sapphyre McLeod and Black Space Winnipeg, more than 60% of immigrants experience psychological problems.

The new society is not always friendly to other races and nationalities. Many people look with caution at blacks or inappropriately refer to them. All this causes a lot of psychological problems for immigrants. According to Sapphyre McLeod, registration for courses on psychological adaptation will last until July 30.

Starting from August 8, a three-month course begins for all comers. The aim of the event is to strengthen the mental health of blacks and other immigrants for full adaptation in society and protection from racism. During the lectures, listeners will receive the necessary mental settings in order to overcome everyday stress and learn to abstract from everyday problems.

Thanks to the knowledge gained, many people will be able to protect their psychological health and not suffer from problems of latent racism. Participants will be able to communicate with the best specialists and psychologists who have vast experience in overcoming problems with racism.

The project will help many people to adapt to a modern environment, where the society remains in captivity of stereotypes. According to the words human rights activist Ali Saeed, Winnipeg may seem like an ideal place to live. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. Racism and rejection of other people are still clearly traced. In order not to become a victim of the circumstances, many immigrants need to adapt to existing conditions and adopt a sustainable behavior model. At the moment, there are about 20 seats left for new courses. Anyone can take part. According to Sapphyre McLeod, the complete passage of the courses will significantly strengthen the psychological portrait of the immigrant for further adaptation in the community.

McLeod ProjectHeal Winnipeg racism