Nine people were injured, two killed and gunman also fatally shot himself in Jacksonville, Florida. The murder-suicide happened during Madden NFL 19 video game tournament in one of the restaurants at Jacksonville Landing last Sunday.
The shooter was identified as 24-year-old David Katz, the winner of 2017 championship as a part of a team The Buffalo Bills, last February. This year he was also taking part in a tournament, but not as successful as last year, that is, possibly, one of the motives that lead to the fatal shooting.
As per Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, the gamer was eliminated from the tournament earlier that day, right after he got into an argument with one of the players and went and stood at the back of a room, shortly after he began shooting, killed people and took his own life. Witnesses state, there were a lot of upset players, after they lost and had to leave the competition, but nobody expected such a violent reaction. One of the players, who defeated Katz said, he was weird all day, always had sunglasses on, even inside the restaurant, never spoke to anyone and even, after losing a game, when the winner thanked him for a good game as a sign of respect and sportsmanship, Katz never said a word.
David Katz was known online as a good player under a nickname of “Bread” or “Sliced Bread”, he played multiple tournaments and was among winning team not once, but he always kept to himself, never really communicated with anybody during the event or players meet-ups. So no one can actually say they were friends with him or knew him very well. Other players describe his as a strange and lonely person, always deep inside his mind somewhere, not interacting with others.
EA Sports released a statement calling the events a “senseless act of violence” and showing support and gratitude to police in the investigation, as well offering cooperation with authorities to help gather fact and details about the location, events, and shooter himself. The committee expressed their sympathies and support to families and friends of those lost and injured it the shooting, also speaking about how devastated about the whole situation they are and thanking first responders for their fast and efficient work at the scene.
As of today, law enforcement criminalists are still working on the scene, gathering multiple evidence, the investigation about motive and means continues, updated police report expected.