Screening at the Millennium Library results

Screening at the Millennium Library results

Lately, there were a huge number of calls to the Winnipeg Police Department about the armed individual’s aggressive behavior in the Millennium Library. To assist in individuals entering the library safely, lockers have been made available since the week of June 10, 2019, for visitors who would like to store and secure their belongings while at the Millennium.

But as an additional security measure, a decision was made in favor of personal screening. A screening process, which has been in effect since February of 2019, consists of a bag check and metal detection by way of a hand-held wand used on those entering the library.

And now, just a few months of additional screening in effect, the positive results really change the grim statistics. Winnipeg police have received a reduced number of calls from the area of the Millennium Library since the new policy was implemented.

The library's comprehensive written report is expected to be released and presented this fall to the Standing Policy Committee on Protection, Community Services, and Parks.
