Free movies in the Assiniboine Park

Free movies in the Assiniboine Park

Everyone loves movies, but free outdoor movies – even better!

Every Friday evening during the month of August, Assiniboine Park will feature free family entertainment on the Lyric Lawn. They’ll be screening favourite summer blockbusters on a cinema-style outdoor screen. All you have to do is bring a chair, blanket and some snacks. The earlier feature will usually be a kid-friendly movie, with the late feature a bit more tailored to an older crowd.

Today they will be showing one of the biggest movies of the century: The early feature (6:30 pm) will be RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET and the late feature (8:45pm) will be AVENGERS: ENDGAME.

Here is the schedule for the rest of the month:

Friday, August 23

Early Feature (6:30 pm): Aladdin (2019)

Late Feature (8:45 pm): Back to the Future

Share this wonderful time with your family and loved ones, enjoy the summer in our beautiful city and do not forget to create magic not only for your children but for everyone around you!
