The province is auditing CancerCare Manitoba

The province is auditing CancerCare Manitoba

Manitoba authorities are starting auditing of CancerCare.

Cameron Friesen stated that such a review is very useful to find out what can be improved to become the best in the country.

In February 2018, it was decided to cancel a $300 million CancerCare expansion that the previous government was going to do.

In October, the province expressed its intention to analyze the effectiveness and financial performance of CancerCare Manitoba and compare data with similar institutions in other provinces of the country. Friesen also stated that Manitobans deserve the best possible conditions and quality of treatment, and they will make every effort to achieve the set goals.   

However, the union expressed a different opinion regarding the review. NDP leader Wab Kinew considers that the review will only justify reducing care for patients. Patient needs should be above everything else, according to Kinew.

Friesen refuted these assumptions and said that the government is going to increase funding to improve the quality of the services offered in the centre.

CancerCare Manitoba is the largest cancer treatment center in the province at the moment. 

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CancerCare cancer treatment center Cameron Friesen